Amigos, aca en Brasil um pesquisador esta pesquisando lo genero
Epicrates cuanto sua taxonomia... Creio que no se haverá mas subespecies, e apenas las espécies! Muy bom trabajo... Lo trabajo completo esta em fase de descripcion...
Aca una amostra de un resumo apresentado em uno congresso:
Departamento de Vertebrados, Museu Nacional, UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20940-040, Brazil
Systematics of the Epicrates cenchria (Linnaeus, 175
species complex, and the phylogeny of the genus Epicrates Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes: Boidae)
The Epicrates cenchria (Linnaeus, 175

species complex is endemic of the Neotropical region, distributed on the mainland portions of Central and South America. The taxonomy of the species group was revised through characters of external morphology, osteology, and hemipenis. Of the nine subspecies previously recognized, five were considered in the specific rank whereas the remainder synonymized. The new taxonomic arrangement comprises E. chenchria (including E. c. gaigei and E. c. hygrophilus), E. crassus (including E. c. polylepis), E. maurus (including E. c. barbouri), E. assisi, and E. alvarezi. Two main lineages were found in the phylogenetic analysis. One, responding to the mainland species, the E. cenchria species complex, and another including the insular species. The topology of the most parsimonious tree
was congruent with previous studies."