Thank you Ronn. Actually, I was not that busy with it, I spent most of time reading

. Once all the fixture and plants were set up it just took time. As for cleaning - I clean once per 2-3 months. I prefer to interfere as small as possible. I leave cleaning to isopods and springtails haha

. But to replace the plant you need to pull it gently out as the roots get attached to the wall, you're right.
reptil99, yes, grandis were inside since they were small, I bought first one when it was 1 month old, second grandis came later. But they have been inside this terrarium from the first day, so this terrarium was becoming mature with geckos in it

. I don't know if you know this, but geckos utilize Van der Waal's forces in order to stick to surface. I guess this is the reason why they are not interested in walking on plants - they need to make sure that the nano-structures on their feet, setae, remain clear, not ,,stucked". Dirty setae are useless and gecko can't climb in result.
I have only one picture of this terrarium in the beginning, and second is from some time later on, you can see how it was changing: